Where is the location of the club that hosts those events ?

Chtaura Country Club is located in Bekaa Valley next to chtaura.

What time the competition starts ?

All competition starts at 9 AM sharp. Shooters have to be ready 30 min before launching.

How to Register for the competition ?

Registration procedures can be done via email : info@benchrestlb.com, via phone call : +9619913710 or on the website.

What do i need to be qualified to participate in the competition ?

Official Document ( passport , ID etc ) that verify your age 18+ PCP ready for the game intended to participate that matches rules and caliber check rules and format section.

Can Junior shooters participate ?

Yes a Junior Section is available for both genders under 18 years , 50 Meters .

Will you have air compressor ready to be used at the venue ?

Unfortunately no. The organizers are working to get a full operational air compressor that can be used by shooters.

Can i have a spare gun , and should it be same caliber as the primary ?

Yes each shooter is allowed to have his primary gun and a spare gun BUT he is not allowed to change caliber during the relay. He can change caliber from relay to relay if he did not start the round.

Can shooters have assistance from outside ?

No. Once the round starts no one except the officials can communicate with the shooters.

Opening Hours :

Shooting Range : 8 am till 6 pm all week days and week ends

Office : Monday to Saturday 9 am till 5 pm

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